About Benjamin Sells
Benjamin Sells is a writer, psychotherapist, lawyer, and former mayor of Riverside, Illinois. He is also a sailing captain and owner of Chicago’s oldest sailing school. He has written nine books, including The Soul of the Law, one of the most important work-life balance books in the history of the legal profession, that was recently reissued in a special 20th anniversary edition. His latest book is Love’s Desire: Beauty, Love, Soul, and the Search for the Meaningless Life. For many years he wrote a widely praised syndicated column on psychological issues in the legal profession and has published many articles and essays on psychology, history, and cultural affairs. His collaboration with famed psychologist James Hillman on America: A Conversation with James Hillman and Ben Sells was honored with a Gradiva Award from the National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis. Sells has lectured extensively both in the United States and abroad and is a repeat lecturer at the prestigious Eranos Roundtable in Ascona, Switzerland. He lives in Riverside, Illinois.